Guru Guru

Electric Cats

  1. Return Of The Platypus (with Ax Genrich)
  2. Electric Cats (with Hellmut Hattler)
  3. Rock'n'Rollmachine (with Ax Genrich)
  4. Sweep Orbit (with Hellmut Hattler)
  5. Afghani (with Ax Genrich)
  6. A Trip To Gurustan (with Hellmut Hattler & Werner Goos)
  7. Drumoroto 2 (with Ax Genrich)
  8. African Beauty
  9. Psylo (with Ax Genrich)
  10. Little Figatree
Year: 2013
Genre: Rock/Pop /
Genre additional: Jazz /
Producer: Guru Guru /
Performer: Roland Schaeffer / Mani Neumeier / Hans Reffert / Peter Kühmstedt /
Guest Performer: Werner Goos / Ax Genrich / Hellmut Hattler /